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Malga Losa


Distance: 3.9 km
Estimated time: 01h:30′:05″
Total ascent: ⬈ 284 m
Total discent: ⬊  -14 m
Difficulty level: Easy

Resuming on Trail 3A, at the fork for Malga Gerona, continue to the right on a well-preserved cart way that bypasses the southern side of both Monte Val Boaria and Novarza (2024 m. asl.), crossing a sequence of meadows, alder groves and patches of heaths. At the bottom of a steep slope below, covered with stunning spruce forests, flows the Novarza stream. From the trail, you can view on the other side Casere Campo and Veltri, currently inaccessible. After a few kilometers of a slight ascent, abruptly after a bend, there opens a majestic meadow amphitheater where the buildings of Malga and Rifugio Losa both stand at the center.