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Temberle – Pieltinis


Distance: 4.09 km
Estimated time: 01h:44′:42″
Total ascent: ⬈ 416 m
Total descent: ⬊  -13 m
Difficulty level: Easy

This trail of an entirely asphalt surface, starts shortly after the Hinter d’Olbe area and basically constitutes the continuation of the main road of Val Novarza, already a part of Trail 2B. At the fork at Rio Temerle, ascend to the right until you reach the bed of the Pieltinis stream; once you cross it, ascend into a forest mixed with an increasing presence of larch trees. Upon leaving the forest, you reach a fork where you turn left towards Casera Gerona. After a journey of a couple of kilometers, slightly ascending along the southern slope of Monte Torondon, you reach Casera Pieltinis: a wide basin which is covered by a lush herbaceous and shrubby mantle with widespread formations of green alder in less grazed sites.