Distance: 1.59 km
Estimated time: 00h:39′:58″
Total ascent: ⬈ 58 m
Total descent: ⬊ -191 m
Difficulty level: Difficile
The trail begins in correspondence with the first houses of Sauris di Sotto, at the first intersection on the right. Before the two houses, you walk along the meadow in an eastward direction, going slightly uphill and soon entering a dense forest of spruce and beech trees. Descending shortly after, you turn north again slightly downhill until you reach the fascinating gorge carved out in the cellular dolomite by the Mitreikenpoch stream. There you can admire steep pinnacles, mysterious caves and burrows —untouchable homes of foxes, martens and badgers. Ascend along the river to the right; after a couple of easy fords with the bank to your left, you intersect with Trail 1A. Then, ascend to the left going over the bridge, which is above the road to Sauris di Sotto. Descending instead to the right you come to a hidden bay of the lake.