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Distance: 1.01 km
Estimated time: 00h:35′:26″
Total ascent: ⬈ 188 m
Total descent: ⬊  -3 m
Difficulty level: Media

The trail begins from the square in front of the Kursaal in Sauris di Sotto and continues eastward. After passing the last houses, you face an ascent to some stavoli, where nearby there is a karstic chasm. Remaining at a high altitude within the forest, you can get a glimpse to the left of a characteristic rock ravine: the Bélinlouch, or the cavern of the Bélin, an unpleasant female character who, as legend has it, imposed a unique toll on anyone who had to leave Sauris for the first time (de must pussn in orsch in der Bélin). After encountering a creek bed, follow it to the left until you reach a waterfall near a very smooth boulder about 3 meters high. Circle around it while heading north until you reach the Straitar area. After an hour and a half from your start, you finally encounter the cartway that leads back Sauris di Sotto, whereas to the right, it continues along itinerary 2A.